Delhi State Legal Service Authority is inviting online applications for the position of Legal Service Advocates to join Regular Panels in various District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs). These advocates will provide Legal Services across different courts, including MM, ASJ, ADJ, Consumer Forums, Family, Civil Judges, Senior Citizen, and Revenue, Muslim Law Panels.
Name of the Post: Legal Service Advocates
Number of Posts: 415 (Four Hundred and Fifteen)
Essential Qualification and Experience:
Applicants should possess the following experience as of 05.02.2024:
- Five (05) years of experience at the Bar, specifically in the following panels:
- Empanelment in ASJ Courts (NDPS, POCSO, CBI, Special Courts)
- Empanelment in ADJ/Civil Courts (ADJs, LAC, MACT, Labour, etc.)
- Empanelment in Family Courts
- Empanelment for dealing with cases of Muslim Law
- Three (03) years of experience as of 05.02.2024 in the following panels:
- Empanelment in Courts of Metropolitan Magistrates (CMM, ACMM & MM)
- Empanelment in Civil Courts (Civil Judge, ARC, ACJ, SCJ, Guardianship, etc.)
- Empanelment for the Panel of District Consumer Forum, Revenue, Sr. Citizen
- Empanelment for Revenue / SEM Courts.
How to Apply:
To submit your application online, click here.
Application Deadline: The last date to submit the online application is 05.02.2024.
For detailed information, please refer to the Official Notification.
Note: All applications must be submitted in the English language.